Crafting Emotional Connections Through Visual Identity

Organization of Brand

Create & Protect Your Brand Style Guide

Crafting your brand's visual identity involves more than just creating a style guide; it also entails protecting it. The OMAS Agency specializes in guiding entrepreneurs through the process of creating and protecting their brand. Protecting intellectual property is crucial for every entrepreneur. The OMAS Agency can help you navigate copyright and trademark processes to protect your thoughts, products, and ventures. Below are key elements we can help you develop or refine in your brand style guide, ensuring that your brand looks great and is legally protected. If you need assistance protecting your brand, The OMAS Agency is experienced in this area and can help. Our process is designed to provide clarity and guidance, ensuring that your brand is legally protected every step of the way.

Brand Creation

  • The first step in creating your brand identity is crafting a logo that reflects your core concept. A simple, timeless logo will take your brand from where it is to where you want it to be.

  • Colors evoke emotions that drive customers to buy into your brand. The OMAS Agency can help you create a color palette that creates an experience associated with your business.

  • While not every business needs a tagline or slogan, if you choose to have one, it should be a quick one-liner that speaks to your business without overpromising.

  • Typography is more than choosing beautiful fonts; it's how your brand's personality is expressed. Good typography creates harmony and consistency in design, providing a graphic balance to your website and setting the overall tone.

  • Selecting images that support your brand's vision is crucial. These images should not be overly used in your niche but should align with your messaging. Consider how these images can be used for holidays and celebrations both online and in print.

Brand Protection

  • Copyright protection is available to both published and unpublished works. The OMAS Agency can help you create and submit your copyright application to protect your creative expression.

  • A trademark distinguishes your brand and requires a delicate balance between descriptiveness and uniqueness. The OMAS Agency can assist you in navigating the trademark application process.

Our process includes:

  1. Research all state and federal databanks for the usage of the Company's brand identity (i.e., images, name, slogan, and hashtag).

  2. Meeting and presentation time with client (includes phone, video, text, and email communication if/when necessary).

  3. PDF copies of all applications pre and post-submission.

  4. Up to 3 rounds of changes on any application before submission.

  5. A legal professional will review all applications (included in fee projections) to ensure optimal application approval at the time of submission.

  6. The OMAS Agency will prepare final files for electronic submission to the US Copyright Office and/or to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), including all filing fees associated with an application. It will respond as a point of contact if any further inquiries arise.

In summary, crafting a compelling brand identity involves careful consideration of your logo, color palette, tagline/slogan, typography, and supporting photography. These elements work together to create a cohesive visual brand that resonates with your audience. At The OMAS Agency, we specialize in guiding entrepreneurs through this process, ensuring that every aspect of their brand reflects their business purpose and vision. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and let us help you create a brand that stands out and connects with your target market. Whether you're looking to create a brand style guide or protect your brand, The OMAS Agency is here to support you every step of the way.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room.”

Jeff Bezos